Primo Levi. Transnational Perspectives, Summer school online: Call for Applications

23-26 JULY 2021
Modality: online
Maximum number of participants: 12
Deadline for applications: 25 May 2021
Please send the requested documents to the following e-mail address:
Requested documents: curriculum vitae (2 pages max.), motivational letter (500 words max.), and research project (500 words max.) Applications can be sent both in English and in Italian.
The Summer School is organized by PhD students from the universities of Cambridge (UK), Notre Dame (USA) and Pavia (ITA).
Primo Levi. Transnational Perspectives aims to establish a dialogue amongst PhD students, researchers, and scholars, whose research is focused on the exegesis of Primo Levi’s works. The Summer School will provide the participants with lectures, seminars, and round tables where they will be able to present and discuss their research and their interests. Moreover, individual tutoring sessions with renowned scholars of Primo Levi coming from Italy (University of Bergamo, Cagliari, and Scuola Normale Superiore), United Kingdom (University of Cambridge), and United States (University of Chicago) will be provided. The event will also see the collaborations of the Wiener Holocaust Library, the International Primo Levi Studies Center of Turin, and the Hesburgh Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections of Notre Dame, which will present their archives and their latest editorial initiatives. The opening and closing Keynote Lectures will consist of a dialogue between two speakers and will be open to the public. On the evening of Saturday 24 there will be an event on the graphic-novel transpositions of Levi’s works and life.
The Summer School will be held both in Italian and English.
Download the program (Download section, top left in this page)