The works of Primo Levi. Italian editions
Primo Levi was almost always published by Einaudi over the course of his literary career, except for the first edition of If This is a Man in 1947 and the poetry collections.
Primo Levi was almost always published by Einaudi over the course of his literary career, except for the first edition of If This is a Man in 1947 and the poetry collections.
The stories written by Primo Levi in the last decade of his life form an unfinished book interrupted by his death.
The stories in the book Lilít , written between 1975 and 1981, have different topics and tones.
Levi published a series of articles on various topics and for various occasions in newspapers and periodicals from 1955 to 1987, the year of his death. These were collected together and published in their entirety in the first collected-works edition (Opere. Turin: Einaudi, 1997). This volume offers us again a wide range of choices.
La ricerca delle radici, written at the suggestion of Giulio Bollati in 1981, collects the most relevant authors in the Primo Levi's education.
The book came out in 1982, listed in the main narrative book series of Einaudi publishers (the "Supercoralli"). It is the first novel, properly speaking, written by Levi. Is inspired by a true story: a band of Russian and Polish Jews had been fighting a partisan war against the Nazi invaders, ranging far and wide over Europe.
Ad ora incerta gathers together 63 poems and 10 translations that span 40 years, from 1943 (“Crescenzago”) to 1984, when he had his poems published regularly in the cultural section of the Turin newspaper La Stampa.
L'altrui mestiere gathers together about 50 articles that Primo Levi had published in newspapers and periodicals between 1964 and 1984.
La tregua, Primo Levi’s second book, was published in 1963 by Einaudi, sixteen years after the first edition of Se questo è un uomo.
Racconti e saggi came out in the fall of 1986, and it is the last book Primo Levi published in his life.
Written over a twenty-year period (1946-1966), the fifteen stories of Storie naturali - some more, some less - tell us about fifteen sorts of pregnancies that the faculty of reason went through while it was dozing and about the monstrous births that came out of them.
I sommersi e i salvati marks Primo Levi’s completion - at a distance of 40 years - of the reflections that gave life to his first book, If This Is a Man.
Vizio di forma is the second collection of fantastic-technological and fantastic-biological stories by Primo Levi. The stories were written between 1968 and 1970.
L'osteria di Brema had 27 texts and 1500 copies were printed. The date marked as the closing of the printing was April 25 1975, the 30th anniversary of the liberation of Italy from Nazi-Fascism.
Primo Levi, Opere complete III, Conversazioni, interviste, dichiarazioni, a cura di Marco Belpoliti, Einaudi, Torino 2018. Bibliografia e indici a cura del Centro Internazionale di Studi Primo Levi. Quelle più ampie e più rilevanti (circa metà del totale) sono raccolte in questo volume, con un apparato di note che le contestualizza.
If This is a Man, Primo Levi’s first book, was first published by the Turin publisher De Silva in the fall of 1947. How the first version of this book was written, how it came to be published, and how readers received it were the result of circumstances that mapped out an uneven road full of surprises. Here, we can go down this road again with the aid of a wealth of images and rare texts.
Levi’s first work travelled along a long road between its original edition in 1947 and its new edition in 1958. The topic of the Shoah had seemingly eclipsed However, Levi’s text grew in the meantime, enriched by new episodes. Beginning with this definitive 1958 edition published by Einaudi, If This is a Man was to affirm itself in Italy and worldwide as one of the major literary and testimonial works of the twentieth century.
Promossa dal Centro Internazionale di Studi Primo Levi, pubblicata dall’editore Einaudi di Torino, l’edizione commentata di Se questo è un uomo a cura di Cavaglion ci offre le parole di Primo Levi accompagnandole con le loro fonti letterarie, filosofiche, religiose e figurative.
The English-language edition of this book was edited by Marco Belpoliti and Robert S.C. Gordon. It was published with the title The Voice of Memory. Primo Levi Interviews 1961-1987 (Polity, London 2001; United States edition: The New Press, New York 2001).
La chiave a stella was published by Einaudi in the fall of 1978 in the Supercoralli Nuova series. In the following year, it won the Bergamo and the Strega awards.
This new edition Opere complete I e II, edited by Belpoliti and accompanied by new text news, offers us a body of works that is significantly richer than the previous edition.
The Conversations of Primo Levi and Tullio Regge, were published for the first time in December 1984 by Edizioni di Comunità, a publishing house of the industrialist Adriano Olivetti.
Il sistema periodico is the most complete and many-faceted of Levi’s books. It is his most primo-levian book, as Italian novelist and critic Italo Calvino put it.
Primo Levi, con I sommersi e i salvati, sintesi delle riflessioni di tutta una vita sull'esperienza del Lager, si rivolgeva alle generazioni future, in particolare agli studenti. L’apparato didattico che completa questa edizione scolastica commentata prevede esercizi di comprensione, di riflessione e di approfondimento.
1997, the year that marked ten years after the death of Primo Levi, was the peak of the period of interest growing around the figure of this writer. The most noteworthy product of that year is this edition of his works, the two volumes edited by Marco Belpoliti. They are impeccably and richly annotated and amount to over 3,200 pages in all.