Support the Center!
Since its founding, the International Primo Levi Studies Center has been endeavoring to achieve two principal goals. First, the Center is working to bring readers together with the works of Primo Levi and with the person who wrote them. Second, the Center is working to put the words that make up Primo Levi’s works into motion, words that prove to be extraordinarily fertile for interpreting not only a past era but also our present day.
All of us take it to heart that Primo Levi can express himself in the most complete way and get to say everything he has to say to readers who do not know him yet, readers who know him a little or partially, and, above all, to younger readers, who Levi had dedicated all of his work to. We are not simply talking about a growth in numbers but an increase in the intensity, the geographical reach, and the intellectual impact of words that are accurate and useful for the here-and-now.
Nevertheless, there is a touch of insecurity in everything that is connected with the activities of the International Primo Levi Studies Center. There is a lot of work, a lot of long work. The resources are few and sometimes uncertain. For this reason, we are making an appeal for concrete support, an appeal to all those who enjoy the materials and initiatives promoted by the Center, made available, for example, through the web site, or an appeal simply to all those who are interested.
Donate via PayPal
Contributions can be sent via bank transfer to:
Associazione Centro Internazionale di Studi “Primo Levi”
Banca Intesa Sanpaolo
IBAN: IT94 R030 6909 6061 0000 0062 244
We urge you to accompany the contribution with an e-mail message to in which you indicate the address at which you wish to receive the receipt.
A thank you to all those who help us!
For further information, please contact us at, or call +39 011 4369940.