The Center and the International Year of Chemistry

2011 has been proclaimed the International Year of Chemistry by the United Nations. The Year is one of the many initiatives that the United Nations plans every year in order to promote education for sustainable development. The aim of the Year is to underline the fundamental role of chemistry as an innovative and constantly changing science for the welfare of the modern world community.

The International Primo Levi Studies Center is a member of the Year-of-Chemistry promotion committee for Piedmont and Aosta Valley. It participated in the inauguration of the calendar of the Year’s events in Piedmont on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, at the Primo Levi Great Hall of the School of the Mathematics, Physics, and the Natural Sciences. Representing the Center was its director, Professor Fabio Levi.

Just one of the many events of the Year, the International Primo Levi Studies Center, in collaboration with the city theater group, the Teatro Stabile di Torino, presented Il Segno del Chimico. Dialogo con Primo Levi [The Mark of the Chemist: A Dialogue with Primo Levi], a dramatic reading based on a concept of Elisa Ferrio and directed by Valter Malosti. Domenico Scarpa edited the text. Malosti and Scarpa read the roles of Levi and the Interviewer. The performance took place at the Great Hall.

In addition, the Center cooperated in promoting an essay contest for secondary school students in Piedmont and Aosta Valley on the topic, Chemistry and Society: The Biography of a Great Scientist.

Professor Fabio Levi’s lecture for the inauguration of the International Year of Chemistry for Piedmont and Aosta Valley (Italian only)

F. Levi, Il legame profondo con Primo Levi. Chimico per vocazione e per scelta,  [The strong bond with Primo Levi: Chemistry as a vocation and a choice], L'Alambicco n. 5 (May 5, 2011) (Italian only)
(L'Alambicco is the journal published on the occasion of the International Year of Chemistry)

The Mark of the Chemist: A Dialogue with Primo Levi

In The Mark of the Chemist: A Dialogue with Primo Levi, Primo Levi answers the questions of the interviewer and, in an intense and unique exchange, he talks about his scientific vocation, his life as witness to the concentration camp, and his experiences as narrator and laboratory technician.

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